Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School Site (Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School) |
Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School is a community school in New York City that provides comprehensive health services and a specialized teen clinic. |
Financing Community Schools (Partnership for the Future of Learning) |
This comprehensive report includes a framework for financing community schools as well as examples of successful practices in action from around the country. |
Financing Community Schools: A Framework for Growth and Sustainability (Partnership for the Future of Learning) |
This finance brief discusses community schools funding in depth. It provides a framework for financing community schools and examples of how community schools at varying stages of development can identify and implement financing strategies. |
Four Pillars of Community Schools (LPI) |
This infographic depicts the four pillars of effective community schools, among them integrated student supports and active family and community engagement. |
Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (U.S. Department of Education, OESE Education Stabilization Fund) |
This provision of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, known as the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund, awards $3 billion in grants to states based on the relative population of school-aged youth. |
How Many Community Schools Are There in the Country? (National Center for Community Schools) |
This succinct website updates regularly with the number of known community schools in the United States--currently over 5,000. |
In the Fallout of the Pandemic, Community Schools Show a Way Forward for Education (LPI) |
This blog post lead-authored by LPI Senior Fellow in Residence Jeannie Oakes describes several successful community schools around the country as well as how wraparound supports are more essential than ever in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
An Initial Guide to Leveraging the Power of Social Emotional Learning as You Prepare to Reopen and Renew Your School Community (CASEL) |
This guide, focused on when schools physically reopen, discusses how schools can prioritize social and emotional learning through intentional opportunities and new structures. |
Leveraging Resources Through Community Schools: The Role of Technical Assistance (LPI) |
This brief provides information and examples of how local governments and nonprofit agencies in counties can play an essential role in supporting and providing technical assistance to community school initiatives in school districts. |
Maryland’s Children’s Cabinet (The Governor’s Office for Children ) |
Maryland's Children's Cabinet, when coupled with its reopening plan, is a particularly strong example of how to coordinate wraparound supports across a state. |
Maryland’s Recovery Plan for Education (Maryland State Department of Education) |
This comprehensive recovery plan from the Maryland State Department of Education, released in June 2020, includes many evidence-based strategies and policies, in particular an emphasis on strengthening community schools. |
Organizational Structures to Support Oakland Community Schools (John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities) |
This knowledge brief describes successful organizational structures and practices used in Oakland Community Schools. |
Planning for Re-Entry & Recovery: A Guide for Promoting Equity, Improvement, and Innovation (FourPoint Education Partners) |
This guide suggests that district and school leaders can maintain a list of key community partners and identify how partners can deploy their resources to create a more integrated support system for students. |
Poll: Coronavirus Crisis Puts Parents’ and Young Children’s Well-Being at Risk (The Education Trust West) |
This April 2020 article analyzes poll results that document California parents' intense financial insecurity, resulting in nearly a third of students skipping meals and going hungry. |
Procedural Rule on Community Schools (West Virginia Secretary of State) |
This policy provides guidelines for developing and operating a sustainable community school framework. |
Recovery to Reinvention Plan and Playbook (Transcend) |
This "Recovery to Reinvention" school re-entry planning guide from Transcend provides tools and guidance to educators and school leaders seeking to redesign schools during the pandemic recovery process. |
Rockland BOCES Community Schools Site (New York State Community Schools ) |
This one-page fact sheet describes the components of one community school in New York state, including medical and dental services provided. |
Triaging trauma: Community schools tap partners to address needs made worse by COVID-19 (Education Dive) |
This article from April 2020 discusses how community schools are uniquely positioned to leverage resources to meet the needs of families while also practicing a trauma-informed lens. |
The Uncertain Road Ahead (California School Boards Association) |
This report from the California School Boards Association provides core principles for resuming instruction with special attention paid to equitable supports for all students, in particular students with disabilities. |
The Whole Child: Building Systems of Integrated Student Support During and After COVID-19 (Center for Optimized Student Support at Boston College) |
This action guide offers practical steps for schools to develop a system of integrated supports, beginning with an assessment of existing resources in the community and organizing access for families with clear action steps. |
The Accreditation Framework (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing) |
California adopted new accreditation requirements for teacher preparation programs in July 2020; this document details how performance-based aspects will influence the accreditation of these programs. |
Addressing California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage: An Analysis of Sources and Solutions (LPI) |
This LPI report analyzes the pre-pandemic teaching shortage in California and provides policy recommendations on how districts can build Grow-Your-Own-Programs with strong mentoring and induction. |
Back to School? 1 in 5 Teachers Are Unlikely to Return to Reopened Classrooms This Fall, Poll Says (USA Today) |
This May 2020 news article from USA Today reports survey findings that 1 in 5 teachers are unlikely to return to their schools if classes reopen for the fall 2020 semester, highlighting teacher concerns over the virus and the lack of technological support for distance learning. |
Burdensome Student Loan Debt Is Contributing to the Country’s Teacher Shortage Crisis (Linda Darling-Hammond) |
This 2019 article in Forbes by LPI's CEO, Linda Darling-Hammond, argues for the importance of the TEACH Grant program in order to offset the crushing student loan debts that teachers accrue during their training. |
The California Way: The Golden State’s Quest to Build an Equitable and Excellent Education System (LPI) |
This comprehensive report evaluates the implementation of California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) policies and finds student achievement gains while highlighting the need to invest in a strong, stable, and diverse workforce. |
California’s K–12 Education System During a Fiscal Crisis (American Institute for Research) |
This report compares California's education spending to other states, correlates spending with student achievement, and provides policy recommendations to make funding flexibility permanent. |
Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color (LPI) |
This report by LPI Researcher and Policy Analyst Desiree Carver-Thomas discusses the evidence on the importance of diversity in teaching as well as high-retention pathways for recruiting more candidates of color into the pipeline. |
EdPrepLab (EdPrepLab Network) |
This network of leading-edge teacher and leader preparation programs supports research, policy, and practice aimed at helping practitioners use the science of learning and development to support equitable deeper learning. |
Educator Excellence Task Force (California Department of Education ) |
This comprehensive report details how California aims to improve the quality of its teacher workforce, including how to distribute teachers more equitably, and how to create long-term career pathways to improve retention. |
Effective Teacher Professional Development (LPI) |
This rigorous review of the teacher professional development literature analyzes 35 studies and provides seven principles for sustaining continuous professional learning, including active learning coupled with coaching and expert support. |
Instructional Leadership Corps (SCOPE) |
The Instructional Leadership Corps is a partnership between the California Teachers Association and Stanford University to deliver professional development and networking opportunities to over 100,000 educators thus far across the state. |
The Instructional Leadership Corps: Entrusting Professional Learning in the Hands of the Profession (LPI) |
This 2019 report describes the successes of an innovative professional learning project that has served over 100,000 California teachers and empowers them to be instructional leaders in their schools. |
Investing for Student Success: Lessons From State School Finance Reforms (LPI) |
This 2019 report by LPI's CEO Linda Darling-Hammond shows how finance reforms in four different states helped stimulate investment in a higher-quality teaching workforce. |
K-12 Funding Still Lagging in Many States (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) |
This blog post from 2019 reveals how k-12 funding still has not recovered from its pre-recession levels, particularly in Florida, Arizona, and other southeastern and southwestern states. |
Latinos, African Americans Most Likely to Change Education Plans (Inside Higher Ed) |
This June 2020 article describes the results of a survey indicating that 35% of Americans intended to change their enrollment plans for higher education in fall 2020, with rates higher among Latino/as and African Americans. |
Leveraging Social and Emotional Learning to Support Students and Families in the Time of COVID-19 (LPI) |
This May 2020 blog post describes how schools are carrying previous social and emotional learning practices into virtual spaces to meet the growing needs of students and families during the pandemic. |
Long Beach Unified School District Site (Long Beach Unified School District ) |
Long Beach Unified School District in California is capitalizing on virtual learning by using expert teachers to deliver lessons, which simultaneously helps to train novice educators as they watch with students. |
Micro-Credentials and COVID-19 (Digital Promise) |
This curated library of micro-credentials can be used to help teachers continue their professional learning and prepare them to be more effective at remote and blended instruction. |
Micro-Credentials and COVID-19: Supporting Professional Learning When Schools Are Closed (Digital Promise) |
This article from April 2020 discusses how micro-credentialing can help teachers learn new technologies as well as virtual community organizing. |
Micro-Credentials for Teachers: What Three Early Adopter States Have Learned So Far (American Institute for Research) |
This report describes teacher micro-credentialing and best practices in three early adopter states as well as how micro-credentials can be integrated into a larger professional learning strategy. |
A New Worry From the COVID-19 Crisis: Paying for College (ED Week) |
This article from May 2020 documents the difficulties that high school graduates face when paying for college in the midst of a pandemic, difficulties that can accelerate the phenomenon known as summer melt. |
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)—2013 Results (OECD) |
This 2013 analysis of an international survey reveals that the United States demands much more instructional time of its teachers compared to other countries and provides far less time for planning and collaboration. |
Raising Demands and Reducing Capacity: COVID-19 and the Educator Workforce (LPI) |
This June 2020 blog post from LPI's Chief of State and Director of State Policy, Tara Kini, discusses how teacher layoffs are looming just as more teachers are needed to accommodate smaller cohorts of students, which can reduce potential exposure to COVID-19. |
Return to Learn: Hybrid Learning Model (Johnston Community School District) |
This comprehensive guidebook is a strong example of one district's hybrid learning plan, including new attendance policies and academic standards for a hybrid setting. |
Webinar: A Deeper Dive Into How Educator Preparation Programs Are Adapting During COVID-19 (LPI) |
This webinar, delivered in May 2020, highlights how the EdPrepLab is providing professional development for teachers to make the shift to remote and blended learning during and beyond COVID-19. |
What to Make of Declining Enrollment in Teacher Preparation Programs (Center for American Progress) |
This analysis documents the decline in enrollment in teacher preparation programs and suggests future policies to prevent decline from candidates choosing preparation alternatives outside of colleges and universities. |
5 Things to Advance Equity in State Funding Systems (The Education Trust) |
This fact sheet provides weights and other equity measures that states can better incorporate in post-COVID-19 funding formulas. |
Abbott Preschool Program Longitudinal Effects Study: Fifth Grade Follow-Up (National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers—The State University of New Jersey) |
This 2013 study evaluates the longitudinal effects of a preschool program in New Jersey and finds positive and growing effects in literacy, science, and math. |
The Bridge to Excellence Master Plan (Maryland State Department of Education) |
Maryland's Bridge to Excellence website includes the strategic plans for each county school system in the state and an evaluation of the impacts of increased funding. |
The California Way: The Golden State’s Quest to Build an Equitable and Excellent Education System (LPI) |
This comprehensive report evaluates the implementation of California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) policies and finds student achievement gains while highlighting the need to invest in a strong, stable, and diverse workforce. |