The Role of Principals in Addressing Teacher Shortages (LPI) |
This 2017 brief emphasizes the importance of recruiting and retaining high-quality principals in order to address teacher shortages, as teachers frequently cite their administrators as a top reason for leaving their school or the profession. |
Schools and COVID-19: How Districts and State Education Systems Are Responding to the Pandemic (Chiefs for Change) |
This website from Chiefs for Change includes archived material from Spring 2020 as well as more recent congressional testimony about what the federal government can do to support schools during the pandemic. |
The Seven Principles (Institute for Student Achievement ) |
Evidence-based principles on this website include extending the school day, practicing continuous organizational improvement, and distributing counseling duties across multiple staff members to create stronger relationships. |
Stay Home, Stay Connected (Parent Teacher Home Visits) |
This website provides tips for how parents and teachers can maintain relationships virtually, with links to apps as well as guidance on how to talk about coronavirus with kids. |
Strong Start 2020 (Louisiana Department of Education ) |
Louisiana's Strong Start 2020 recovery plan includes links to dozens of resources for educators at every level to ensure that there is an individualized plan for every child to participate in remote or blended learning. |
Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of California’s Public Schools (California Department of Education ) |
This guidebook provides essential planning questions for school reopening as well as advice on how to integrate mental health services and boost community engagement. |
Teaching the Way Students Learn Best: Lessons from Bronxdale High School (LPI) |
This 2019 case study describes how Bronxdale High School in New York has cultivated a positive school environment within a rigorous curriculum grounded in social and emotional learning. |
Virtual Home Visits: Building Essential Relationships (Stand for Children) |
This website includes an app designed to make virtual home visits easier, which is provided at no cost for the 2020-21 school year. |
Vista High School (XQ Institute) |
Vista High School's website details its innovative education design that divides students into smaller learning communities with personalized instruction to facilitate stronger relationships between teachers and students. |
California Performance Assessment Collaborative (LPI) |
This website provides information, videos, and lessons captured from the educators, policymakers, and researchers in CPAC working to study and advance the use of authentic approaches to assessment that require students to demonstrate applied knowledge of content and use of 21st-century skills. |
Guidance on Culturally Responsive-Sustaining School Reopenings: Centering Equity to Humanize the Process of Coming Back Together (NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools) |
This guide poses questions and practices for policymakers, district leaders, and school personnel to engage in culturally responsive-sustaining education to determine the most humane way to continue school. |
Mathematics Improvement Network Adaptable Tools for School and District Leaders (Mathematics Network of Improvement Communities (Math NIC)) |
This website includes adaptable tools for school and district leaders, including standards-aligned formative assessments and how to make math professional development for teachers more effective. |
Performance Assessment Resource Bank (SCALE, SCOPE, CCSSO) |
The Performance Assessment Resource Bank is an online collection of performance tasks and resources--collected from educators and organizations across the United States and reviewed by experts in the field--to support the use of performance assessment for meaningful learning. |
Ready Schools, Safe Learners: Guidance for School Year 2020–21 (Oregon Department of Education ) |
As a guiding principle, Oregon's reopening guidance states that it will apply an equity-informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive lens to promote culturally sustaining and revitalizing educational systems that support every child. |
Reopening: Moving Toward More Equitable Schools (EL Education) |
This framework is organized around five domains: empowering leadership, crew culture, compelling curriculum, students as leaders of their own learning, and deeper instruction. |
Afterschool Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (Wallace Foundation) |
Based on a literature review of studies published since 2000, this review summarizes the effectiveness of specific after-school programs. The review uses the ESSA evidence framework to assess the evidence of over 60 after-school programs. |
Community Schools Playbook (LPI) |
This playbook defines the fundamentals of community schools and includes resources grounded in four pillars of a comprehensive strategy, including expanded learning time. |
Companion Guide to Afterschool Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (Wallace Foundation) |
This companion guide provides profiles of each after-school program included in the "Afterschool Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act" report as well as studies of each program's effectiveness. |
Coronavirus: £1bn Catch-Up Tutoring Fund for England’s Pupils (BBC) |
This news article from the BBC explains how the United Kingdom is investing more than PS1 billion in tutoring to help students who fall behind during the pandemic. |
COVID-19 and Student Learning in the United States: The Hurt Could Last a Lifetime (McKinsey) |
This interactive report relies on past studies of low-quality remote learning to project learning losses from COVID-19, concluding with an estimate of long-term negative economic impacts. |
Getting to Work on Summer Learning: Recommended Practices for Success, 2nd Ed. (RAND Corporation) |
Based on thousands of hours of observations, interviews, and surveys, this report provides guidance for district leaders and their partners for launching, improving, and sustaining effective summer learning programs. |
Getting Tutoring Right to Reduce COVID-19 Learning Loss (Brookings) |
This article proposes a national tutoring program, similar to the one recently funded in the United Kingdom, to offset instructional losses caused by COVID-19. |
Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) (Michigan Department of Education) |
This website describes Michigan's state-funded preschool program, which combines multiple funding streams to deliver full-day instruction, and it includes rubrics to evaluate early childhood curricula. |
Investing in Successful Summer Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (RAND Corporation) |
This report provides current information about the effectiveness of summer programs for k-12 students to help practitioners, funders, and policymakers make evidence-based investments. The review uses the ESSA evidence framework to assess the effectiveness of summer programs and includes descriptions of 43 summer programs that align with ESSA evidence standards. |
Learning Time: In Pursuit of Educational Equity (Harvard Education Press) |
This 2017 book is designed as a practical, useful resource for policymakers and educators on how they can reorganize the school day to enhance educational opportunities. |
Meriden Public Schools: Redesigning the School Day with Community Partners in Mind (Meriden Public Schools) |
This short, two-page document describes how the Meriden Public School District worked with the local teachers' union to expand the school day and integrate community partners through Healthy Living Enrichment Blocks. |
The Production of Human Capital in Developed Countries: Evidence from 196 Randomized Field Experiments (The National Bureau for Economic Research ) |
This review of 196 randomized field experiments offers insight into how to address America's racial wage gap by focusing on best practices in producing human capital. |
A School Year Like No Other Demands a New Learning Day: A Blueprint for How Afterschool Programs & Community Partners Can Help (Afterschool Alliance ) |
This blueprint offers building blocks for school-community partnerships to address equity and co-construct the learning day in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Time in Pursuit of Education Equity: Promoting Learning Time Reforms That Cross Ideological Divides to Benefit Students Most in Need (AASA) |
This School Administrator article authored by Jeannie Oakes provides implementation lessons that school leaders and policymakers can use as they seek to expand learning time. |
The Value of Out-of-School Time Programs (RAND Corporation) |
This RAND report provides rigorous evidence that supports expanding learning time beyond the traditional school day, which can improve student achievement if these opportunities are sustained and high quality. |
Best Practices in Universal Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Screening: An Implementation Guide (School Mental Health Collaborative) |
This comprehensive implementation guide outlines how schools can implement universal social, emotional, and behavioral screening as part of developing a multi-tiered system of school-based supports. |
Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) of New York State (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services of New York State) |
The Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) of New York State are an example of an effective regional infrastructure that can provide wraparound supports to school systems outside of major urban areas. |
Building Community and School Partnerships for Student Success (West Virginia Community Schools) |
This guide from the West Virginia Department of Education provides a range of resources for community schools, focusing on engaging instruction and expanded learning opportunities, college and career readiness, youth development, and family and community engagement. |
California MTSS Framework (Orange County Department of Education) |
Orange County's website for California's Multi-Tiered System of Support includes several graphics explaining its relationship to continuous improvement and links to exemplary sites within the county. |
Children’s Cabinet Networks (The Forum for Youth Investment ) |
The Forum's Children's Cabinet Networks aim to connect children's cabinets across states in order to streamline fragmented services for youth and shift to a comprehensive system of wraparound supports. |
Cincinnati City School District Board Docs (BoardDocs) |
This searchable database of public records provides the policies enacted by the Cincinnati City School District to establish and support community schools. |
CO-SER Criteria Guidelines System (CCGS) (New York State Education Department ) |
This web page describes the cooperative agreements used in New York state to coordinate services across regions, allowing multiple schools to pool resources and services to deliver wraparound supports. |
Commitment to Anti-Racism (New York City Community Schools ) |
This statement from New York City's Community Schools initiative emphasizes its commitment to anti-racist practices as it provides wraparound supports to support the whole child. |
Community Learning Center Institute Site (Community Learning Center Institute) |
This Cincinnati-based organization describes itself as a national leader at developing existing school spaces into community schools, and it has created learning hubs across seven laboratory schools in the city. |
Community School Initiatives in Maryland (Maryland Out of School Time Network ) |
This website provides an interactive map and links to the five community schools initiatives currently ongoing in Maryland, including but not limited to Baltimore. |
Community School Strategy (Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners ) |
This document details Baltimore City Public Schools' community schools strategy and policies, including a definition of what counts as a community school and a clear application process. |
Community Schools as an Effective School Improvement Strategy: A Review of the Evidence (LPI) |
This LPI report synthesizes the findings from 143 rigorous research studies on the impact of community schools on student and school outcomes. |
Community Schools Playbook (Partnership for the Future of Learning) |
This playbook provides model legislation, real-world examples, and many additional resources for state and local leaders who want to support community schools. |
Coronavirus and the Classroom: Recommendations for Prioritizing Equity in the Response to COVID-19 (Alliance for Excellent Education) |
This report offers recommendations in six areas to support equity-focused responses to COVID-19, including how to expand and improve remote learning, and how to ease the transition to college |
LA County Department of Education Community Schools Site (LA County Department of Education) |
This website links to all of the community school high school pilots in Los Angeles County, with videos highlighting their successes, and lists all participating agencies. |
LA County Department of Education Site (LA County Department of Education ) |
This website provides Los Angeles County's reopening schools framework as well as a library of early childhood education resources. |
County-Level Coordination Provides Infrastructure, Funding for Community Schools Initiative (LPI) |
This blog by LPI Research Analyst and Policy Advisor Anna Meier describes the pivotal role that county-level governments can play in coordinating community school supports. |
Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services) |
This website provides a series of impact reports on community schools across Kentucky, including the number of homeless students served. |
Duarte High School Site (Duarte High School) |
The Duarte High School web page includes a robust family resource center and example online newsletters for others to emulate, including advertising for a curbside meal service. |
Educational Service Districts (ESD) (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) |
This page from the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Education website compiles contact information and district maps for the state's unique educational service districts model, in which regional leaders coordinate local services and provide technical assistance for community school initiatives. |