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Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School (CASEL)

This road map from July 2020 offers extensive guidance with activities and tools organized around four critical social and emotional learning practices for reopening, including assessments to capture student engagement and their perspectives on remote learning.

School Reopening Surveys (Panorama Education)

These reopening surveys can invite students and families into the reopening process as well as enable districts to determine those students and families most in need of additional in-person instruction.

Tools for Teachers (Smarter Balanced)

This website includes a search engine for tools and lesson plans as well as videos on how to understand the formative assessment process.

Using Formative Assessments to Create Coherent and Equitable Assessment Systems (University of Colorado Boulder)

This brief describes principles and examples for building coherent assessment systems, informed by research and lessons learned from 3 decades of assessment reform.

Using The 6 Principles to Support Language Learning in Times of Crisis (TESOL Connections )

This blog details six principles to support language learning, and the authors suggest applying some flipped learning principles to assess students in a virtual environment.

Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction)

The Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) is an example of a successful assessment structure used to determine kindergarteners' developmental levels and inform state- and district-level efforts to meet the needs of each child.

Ensure Supports for Social and Emotional Learning
Are Zero Tolerance Policies Effective in the Schools? An Evidentiary Review and Recommendations (American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force)

This evidentiary review from 2006 explores how zero tolerance policies led to discrimination through the enforcement of school discipline.

Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools (National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments)

This website provides resources and modules for building a trauma-informed school, and it recommends that these resources be used as part of a group-based training.

The CARES Act: Five Things That School and District Leaders Need to Know Now (Wallace Foundation )

This article from April 2020, written primarily to assist school and district leaders, highlights important provisions about the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

CASEL in Action (CASEL)

This website provides a series of resources showing social and emotional learning in action, including a road map for reopening schools and a district resource center.

CASEL Program Guides: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs (CASEL)

This guide showcases effective and evidence-based social and emotional learning programs with two separate reports for preschool and elementary (published in 2013) and middle and high schools (published in 2015).

Closing the School Discipline Gap: Equitable Remedies for Excessive Exclusion (The Civil Rights Project (UCLA))

This site summarizes and links to a 2015 book that details evidence-based interventions to end excessive disciplinary actions taken against African American students.

Community Voices: How One School Relies on Restorative Justice to Improve School Climate (Twin Cities Daily Planet )

This 2017 article examines a Minnesota high school's effort to improve school climate by transitioning from a suspension-based discipline system to the use of restorative justice techniques.

Creating a Culture of Trust and Safety in Every Class (Edutopia)

This 2015 article describes practices for teachers to create an everyday culture of caring and trust, including morning meetings that can be even more essential during remote learning.

Curriculum (EL Education)

EL Education provides a series of tools and texts as part of an integrated English language arts curriculum to help meet the needs of English learners within inclusive school environments.

Curriculum (Pure Edge)

This website offers free resources for implementing social and emotional learning, including videos, webinars, and curricula.

Demonstration of Pyramid Model Practices: A Typical Day in a Preschool Classroom (Pyramid Model Consortium)

This 2016 video of a classroom in Montana illustrates the pyramid model in action, which is designed to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in early childhood.

Distance Learning and Family Wellness (Washoe County School District)

The Washoe County School District website compiles distance learning and family wellness resources to promote social and emotional learning at home.

Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs (Middle and High School) (CASEL)

This systematic review of social and emotional learning programs highlights which ones were most effective at raising outcomes of interest, including an emphasis on the most rigorous studies (randomized control trials).

Encouraging Social and Emotional Learning in the Context of New Accountability (LPI)

This report led by LPI Senior Advisor Hanna Melnick provides a framework for measuring social and emotional learning and how it should be included in accountability systems.

Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools (Minnesota Department of Education)

This guidance from the Minnesota Department of Education provides a series of resources for schools with special attention paid to bullying and transgender students.

Every School. Every Community. Beyond COVID-19 (The California Partnership for the Future of Learning )

This brief analyzes a needs assessment given to 600 students and families from low-income communities of color and emphasizes the specific challenges faced by high school juniors and seniors as well as the need for additional mental health supports.

Facing History and Ourselves (Facing History and Ourselves)

Facing History and Ourselves is a well known and highly regarded curriculum, and its website has resources for educators looking to provide social and emotional learning that is culturally responsive.

Friday Institute for Educational Innovation (Friday Institute for Educational Innovation)

The Friday Institute's website at North Carolina State University includes a series of education briefs as well as a library of COVID-19 resources.

Guidance on Culturally Responsive-Sustaining School Reopenings: Centering Equity to Humanize the Process of Coming Back Together (NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools)

This guide poses questions and practices for policymakers, district leaders, and school personnel to consider how schools have often been traumatizing spaces for vulnerable students, and how social and emotional learning can reinvent schools for the better.

How One Elementary School Integrates Social-Emotional Skills in the Classroom (Greater Good Science Center)

This 2019 article describes how teachers at one elementary school integrated social and emotional learning into their existing academic lessons.

How Will Each of Us Contribute to Racial Justice and Educational Equity Now? (LPI)

This blog post by LPI's CEO Linda Darling-Hammond and Senior Policy Advisor Janel George discusses how schools can shift funds away from harsh discipline and toward restorative practices in order to combat racial disparities.

The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions (CASEL)

This 2011 systematic review of social and emotional learning studies finds an overall positive effect on student achievement and offers four recommended practices.

Implementing Restorative Justice (State of Illinois)

This implementation guide for restorative justice in schools defines restorative discipline and discusses common challenges related to building a restorative school culture.

Implementing Restorative Practices (Minnesota Department of Education )

This website provides links to several resources on how to implement restorative practices, including an equity magnifier and a restorative practice trainer's guide.

Middle School Teacher Testimony (California State Assembly Media Archives)

This powerful testimony from a middle school teacher describes how distance learning has deepened the inequities among her students, particularly those who are refugees and English learners.

Model School Code on Education and Dignity (Dignity in Schools Campaign)

This website presents the Model Code on Education and Dignity with tailored, searchable policy recommendations and the ability to download a comprehensive 150-page report grounded in principles of human rights and freedom from discrimination.

A Nation at Hope (The Aspen Institute )

This interactive report builds upon a new consensus on the importance of social and emotional learning and provides recommendations for action as well as a road map for change.

NDMTSS Framework (North Dakota Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)

This website explains the practice of Multi-Tier Systems of Supports (MTSS) within the state of North Dakota and includes five essential components with student testimonials.

Point of Entry: The Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline (Center for American Progress)

This 2015 report documents how disproportionately harsh discipline for students of color starts as early as preschool, and it proposes greater educator diversity and a ban on preschool suspensions as potential solutions.

Preparing Teachers to Support Social and Emotional Learning (LPI)

This case study profiles San Jose State University's elementary teacher preparation program, which has prioritized social and emotional learning for the past decade.

Principals’ Social and Emotional Competence: A Key Factor for Creating Caring Schools (Penn State College of Health and Human Development)

This brief describes the elements of what constitutes a Prosocial School Leader--a principal who can implement social and emotional learning schoolwide.

Principles of the Restorative School (Minnesota Department of Education)

This PDF describes the core principles of a restorative school, including how to put relationships first, while acknowledging the importance of history, race, language, and justice in shaping those relationships.

Profile of Baltimore City Public Schools (CASEL)

This profile of Baltimore City Public Schools describes how 20 schools rolled out new social and emotional learning programs with adequate professional learning provided to both teachers and principals.

Protecting or Policing? (The Huffington Post)

This 2016 article examines how school resource officers criminalize misbehaviors and act as central components in the school-to-prison pipeline.

Resources for Educators (Transforming Education)

This resources page from the Transforming Education website compiles a variety of toolkits, research, and webinars for educators related to social and emotional learning.

Resources | DSC Created Publications & Tools (Dignity in Schools Campaign )

This resource page curated by Dignity in Schools links to several tools related to collecting data on social and emotional learning and decreasing the criminalization of student behavior.

Resources: Practical Strategies for Teachers/Caregivers (The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) )

This research center, housed at Vanderbilt University, provides resources for implementing social and emotional learning in early childhood, including scripted stories for social situations.

Restorative Justice: Resources for Schools (Edutopia)

This 2013 article links to several resources for educators to implement restorative practices and highlights Oakland Unified as a successful implementer.

Restorative Practices (Minnesota Department of Education)

This website provides a definition of restorative practices and links to separate implementation guidance so that educators can build community and respond to harm.

Restorative Practices School Implementation Guidance (Minnesota Department of Education)

This downloadable PDF is an implementation guide for restorative practices for schools using a systematic, whole-school approach that builds a vision through continuous improvement.

Restorative Practices: Fostering Healthy Relationships & Promoting Positive Discipline in Schools (National Opportunity to Learn Campaign)

This guide provides examples of restorative practices, along with implementation tips and strategies as well as examples from school districts.

Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School (CASEL)

This comprehensive road map from July 2020 offers extensive guidance on how to reopen schools with activities, tools, and essential questions to sustain social and emotional learning throughout the year.

Sanford Inspire (Sanford Inspire)

This website offers free professional development webinars and online courses for educators to support social and emotional learning and inspirational instruction in pk-12 classrooms.

SEL as a Lever for Equity (CASEL)

This web page includes a five-part webinar series and describes how social and emotional learning can build more authentic relationships among students and adults as well as incorporate anti-racist practices, all placed within a transformative framework.
