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Strengthen Distance and Blended Learning
A California district’s plan to boost remote learning includes in-person ‘student support hubs’ (EdSource)

This news article from July 2020 discusses how one Bay Area district plans to prioritize in-person instruction for students with disabilities, homeless youth, and others who are least likely to be able to participate in remote learning.

Digital Learning Plan (Wyoming Department of Education)

This plan released by the Wyoming Department of Education provides recommendations related to expanding digital learning opportunities for Wyoming students, with an emphasis on equal access to technology, collaborative leadership, and personalized student learning.

Ellevation Distance Learning (Ellevation)

Ellevation provides a series of resources that educators of English learners can use to address their needs in distance learning environments.

Empowering Families for Distance Learning in Early Childhood (Edutopia)

This May 2020 article explains how early childhood providers can empower families to participate in distance learning in spite of the many challenges they face.

Instructional Continuity Plan 2.0 (Miami-Dade County Public Schools)

Miami-Dade's instructional continuity plan is frequently held up as a national model since the district has extensive experience with interrupted learning caused by natural disasters.

ISTE Standards for Students (ISTE)

This interactive website provides additional detail and illustrative videos on seven standards for leveraging technology in the classroom, which can empower student voice.

It Starts with Pedagogy: How Lindsay Unified Is Integrating Blended Learning (Aurora Institute)

This blog post discusses how Lindsay Unified High School adopted, as early as 2015, a blended learning model with a dedicated Culture Development Team (CDT) to support learning facilitators.

Leading with Grace and User-Centeredness During Coronavirus: A Lindsay Unified School (Transcend)

This interview explores how a school in California's Lindsay Unified School District was able to transition seamlessly to learner-centered online learning.

M-DCPS Office of Academics and Transformation “Distance Learning Champions” (Miami-Dade County Public Schools)

This video describes Miami-Dade's practice of Distance Learning Champions, where exemplary teachers deliver model lessons to help not only students but also teachers as a form of professional development.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Distance Learning Site (Miami-Dade County Public Schools)

The distance learning website for Miami-Dade guides families to content-based videos as well as a help desk where they can receive technical assistance and laptop deliveries.

Non-Traditional Instruction (Kentucky Department of Education)

Last updated in August 2020, Kentucky's department of education provides clear guidelines for non-traditional instruction during the pandemic by building upon previous policies related to weather closures.

On the Road to High-Quality Early Learning (Teacher’s College Press)

This book by LPI Principal Research Manager Marjorie Wechsler and Senior Fellow David Kirp provides rich detail on how states can design, manage, and fund exemplary early childhood programs, focusing on examples in Michigan, Washington, West Virginia, and North Carolina.

Preparing K-12 School Administrators for a Safe Return to School in Fall 2020 (CDC)

This CDC guidance specifically focuses on school administrators as they make decisions about whether to reopen school buildings, and it provides the latest evidence of COVID-19's impact on children.

Promising Models for Preparing a Diverse, High-Quality Early Childhood Workforce in California (LPI)

This brief offers practitioners and policymakers an opportunity to learn from promising programs that recruit and prepare racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse cohorts of early childhood educators.

Remote Learning in Early Childhood (National Association of State Boards of Education)

This two-page PDF discusses the role of state boards in supporting virtual early childhood programs that accommodate developmentally appropriate attention spans.

The Role of Learning Progressions in Competency-Based Pathways (Achieve)

This report on competency-based pathways can help leaders think about to implement learning progressions (maps) to better personalize teaching, and it provides a series of tools and resources to support their use.

A Student-Centered Model of Blended Learning (Edutopia)

This video from 2019 describes how one teacher ditched lectures and allowed students to move at their own pace--a critical approach in an era of remote learning.

Supporting Learning in the COVID-19 Context (Policy Analysis for California Education)

This research brief provides 10 recommendations with accompanying resources for implementing distance and blended learning.

Using Technology to Support At-Risk Students’ Learning (SCOPE)

This 2014 publication outlines the necessity of providing one-to-one broadband and device access and provides models for blended learning that encourages students to become content creators.

What Will Return to School Look Like This Fall? A Look Inside Hybrid Learning Plans (Panorama Education)

This website describes additional examples of reopening plans with links to states and districts that are implementing hybrid learning models beginning fall 2020.

Wide Open School (Wide Open School )

The Wide Open School website provides activities and resources for different grade levels designed to make distance learning more effective and engaging.

‘Learning hubs’ opening across SF to help 6,000 kids in need with distance education (San Francisco Chronicle )

This news article describes learning hubs in San Francisco, where homeless and other youth without consistent internet access and devices can participate in virtual learning.

Assess What Students Need
Best Practices in Universal Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Screening: An Implementation Guide (School Mental Health Collaborative)

This guide summarizes research-based best practices and resources for selecting, implementing, and using data from universal social, emotional, and behavioral screening.

Beyond “Misconceptions”: How to Recognize and Build on Facets of Student Thinking (STEM Teaching Tools, University of Washington Institute for Science and Math Education)

This resource presents things to consider; discusses how to attend to equity; and provides recommendations for actions educators can take to be able to recognize, build on, and respond to the range of ideas, or facets of students' thinking, during instruction.

Blueprint for Testing: How Schools Should Assess Students During the COVID Crisis (FutureEd)

This resource provides guidance on how and when states, school districts, and schools should use assessments to gauge and help accelerate students' learning.

CORE Districts Site (CORE Districts)

California's CORE districts represent a statewide network of schools with longstanding authentic assessment practices and an emphasis on social and emotional learning within innovative accountability systems.

CTB Acuity Adds Performance Assessment & Instructional Resources (Getting Smart)

This 2013 blog post discusses the Acuity digital learning platform provided by McGraw-Hill, an option for districts and schools searching for learning management systems.

Desired Results for Children and Families Site (Desired Results for Children and Families)

This website from the California Department of Education provides resources and modules for early childhood teachers, families, administrators, and trainers to adapt early childhood programs for online learning, as well as a link to a microlearning YouTube channel.

Developmental Reading Assessment (Pearson)

The Development Reading Assessment from Pearson is one tool that districts can use to assess how much students have learned at home, and the results can guide the design of authentic performance tasks.

Every School, Every Community: Policy Platform for the Future of Learning (Partnership for the Future of Learning)

This brief lists 10 policy priorities, including a restorative approach to addressing learning loss and taking an asset-based approach to assessment.

Formative Assessment and Next Generation Assessment Systems: Are We Losing an Opportunity? (Council of Chief State School Officers)

This report from September 2010 details how existing assessment systems do not leverage the full power of formative assessments--a problem still plaguing many schools today.

Georgia, North Carolina join ESSA assessment pilot (Education Dive)

This article discusses how two states, Georgia and North Carolina, have joined a new authentic assessment pilot program thanks to flexibility afforded under the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Guidance on Diagnostic and Formative Assessments (California Department of Education)

This implementation tool assists district leadership in selecting and using diagnostic assessments to understand students' academic needs throughout the school year.

Guide to Supporting the Well-Being of Students and Staff (Louisiana Department of Education )

This three-page document from the Louisiana Department of Education condenses guidance on how to prioritize the well-being of students and staff during the 2020-21 school year.

Hattie Ranking: Teaching Effects (Visible Learning)

This 2009 infographic from Visual Learning showcases the impact and effect sizes of various teaching methods and practices on student achievement.

The Iceberg Problem: How Assessment and Accountability Policies Cause Learning Gaps in Math to Persist Below the Surface … and What to Do About It (New Classrooms)

This interactive report based on an instructional program argues that the cumulative nature of math learning demands assessments that span multiple grade levels, and that policymakers should move away from grade-level assessments.

Improvement Measures (CORE Districts )

This website lists a series of multiple measures used for school and district improvement, including disproportionality in special education and school climate.

The Informal Formative Assessment Cycle as a Model for Teacher Practice (STEM Teaching Tools, University of Washington Institute for Science and Math Education)

This research brief summarizes and illustrates, through examples of informal assessment conversations, the nature of informal formative assessment and its connection to student learning.

Kentucky Reopening Plan (Kentucky Department of Education)

This comprehensive plan released in May 2020 offers guidance on reopening schools, including advice on how school communities can grieve losses associated with the pandemic.

Learning as We Go: Principles for Effective Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Center on Reinventing Public Education)

Based on a consensus panel of experts, this document provides a set of principles that can help schools, districts, and states make decisions about assessments to inform instruction as schools reopen.

Local Performance Assessment Requirement (Oregon Department of Education )

This website describes how Oregon districts must administer a local performance assessment and includes examples with links to each subject area.

Mathematics Assessment Project Site (Mathematics Assessment Project)

This website includes grade-level math lesson plans that are paired with summative tasks and tests, all of which are aligned to the Common Core State Standards.

Mathematics Assessment Resource Service Site (Mathematics Assessment Resource Service)

This resource page provides formative assessment lessons and summative performance tasks to support the Common Core State Standards, including a Toolkit for Change supported by the National Science Foundation.

NEA Microcredentials in Assessment Literacy (National Education Association)

The NEA micro-credentials site was created to make it easier for educators to access professional learning opportunities. The Assessment Literacy certification bank includes six micro-credentials for educators to develop their knowledge and skills to utilize meaningful assessment practices.

NEA Microcredentials: How It Works (National Education Association)

This website from the National Education Association explains how micro-credentialing for teachers works and its benefits to their practice as well as the professional learning flexibility it affords busy educators.

North Dakota K12 Smart Restart (North Dakota Department of Public Instruction)

North Dakota's Smart Restart guidance to k-12 schools includes color-coded risk levels to help districts determine when certain instructional models become feasible, and it provides a series of essential questions for districts to ask.

Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE) (Reaching Higher NH)

This website details New Hampshire's efforts to shift from a one-size-fits-all traditional assessment to a more authentic system of performance assessments.

Portland Public Schools Reopening Plan (Portland Public Schools)

The Portland Public Schools website offers regular updates on the city's Comprehensive Distance Learning program, as well as a helpful FAQ section and other supports for students and families.

Practice Briefs (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS))

This brief published in May 2020 includes an FAQ on universal screeners--including vision and other health screenings--and how they can be used to inform instruction, using an example of how one elementary school put them into practice.

Rally Platform for Student Success (CORE Districts )

The Rally platform, currently still in development, will allow CORE member districts to track student progress using measures of social and emotional learning and other metrics not commonly included in traditional accountability systems.
